its a small knitting scientist world
I'm almost recovered from my back injury! starting to get out of the house on a regular basis - no more house arrest! i am looking forward to joining some local knitters and spinners in the near future.
Last week i had a very funny coincidental meeting...
D and i were at an ice cream parlor near our new house, and I noticed three young ladies sitting there knitting. I debated whether or not i should go chat with them. I know sometimes it gets annoying when you're trying to just knit with friends and strangers want to talk to you... i didn't want to be that person. but i decided to go introduce myself anyway. They are so close to my house, maybe they knit there regularly? They said no, this was the first time they had come to knit in public. usually they were indoor grad student / knitters. Turns out that all three of them are grad students at Brandeis - in biology! classes haven't even started yet, and i managed to meet some fellow knitting scientists at my new school. how fun!