its kind of hard to pack for vacation when your nice luggage is being used to store yarn. hehehe.
its kind of hard to pack for vacation when your nice luggage is being used to store yarn. hehehe.
i tried to have an interesting picture today, but the camera just wasn't cooperating.
(this is yesterday's news for some, but not everyone has seen it yet. I do love me some knitting science geekery!)
its been a busy week. i attended a friend's wedding over the weekend and saw all my college buds. That makes me very happy. I taught a friend to knit on the drive to the wedding. didn't do much studying for the final exam that was last night. but its done, and i'm feeling pretty confident about it. Rounding the home stretch on the first year of grad school. I have a few more days to decide which lab i want to join and write a little report. Then i have the rest of may and some of june to write and defend my qualifying proposal.
so here's a fiber-ish story from the last week:
Now, what did i do wrong on the neckline of St Moritz? Well, in classic dharia tradition, i forged ahead without thinking or paying attention. I want to make the crew neck version, not the zipper neck (because i know i would never actually sew in the zipper). As you can see, mine is NOT a crew neck! As i was knitting from the photocopied pattern for the zipper neck i knew something wasn't right with the shape of the neckline, but couldn't quite put my finger on it. So i tinked around with the slope and depth of it while continuing, making it more shallow than the pattern calls for. Its hard to visualize what the final neckline will look like while you're making it with a steek. After cutting, i realized what the problem was. d'oh! So now i have something halfway between a crew neck and zipper neck.